“Healing ADD” by Daniel Amen
“How to Get off Psychiatric Drugs Safely” by James Harper
Adrenal Fatigue- see HPA Axis Dysfunction
“Healing Arthritis” by Susan Blum, M.D., MPH.
Atrial Fibrillation
“Restart Your Heart” by Aseem Desai, M.D.
Autoimmune Disease
“The Immune System Recovery Plan” by Susan Blum, M.D, M.P. H.
“The Autoimmune Solution” by Amy Myers. M.D.
Ayurvedic Medicine
“Prime” by Kulreet Chaudhary, M.D
Brain Health
“The End of Alzheimer’s” by Dale Bredesen, M.D.
“The Edge Effect” by Eric Braverman, M.D.
“Mind-Gut Connection” by Emeran Mayer, M.D.
“Brain Maker” by David Perlmutter, M.D.
“Why Isn’t My Brain Working” by Datis Kharrazian, DC
Breast Health
“Keeping Abreast” by Khalid Mahmud, M.D.
“Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book” by Susan Love, M.D.
“Anti-Cancer: A New Way of Life” by David Servan=Schreiber, M.D., PhD
“Spark” by John J. Ratey, M.D.
Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
“Fatigued to Fantastic” by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D
“Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” by Rodger Murphree,
“Taking Charge of Your Fertility” by Toni Weschler, MPH
Functional Medicine
“The Textbook of Functional Medicine” by the Institute of Functional Medicine, David S.
Jones, M.D,. Editor in Chief.
Gut Brain Connection
"Mind-Gut Connection" by Emeran Mayer, MD
"The Second Brain" by Michael Gershon
Gut Health
“Healthy Gut Healthy You” by Michael Ruscio, D.C.
“Digestive Wellness” by Elizabeth Lipski, PhD
“Healing SIBO” by Shivan Sarna
Hair Loss
“Hair Loss in Women” James E. McMinn, M.D.
Heart Health
“Stop Inflammation Now” by Richard Fleming, M.D.
Hormones- Men
“Testosterone for Life” by Abraham Morgentaler, M.D.
Hormones- Women
“The Hormonally Vulnerable Woman” by Goeffrey Redmond, M.D.
“Hormone Intelligence” by Aviva Romm, M.D.
“The Hormone Cure” by Sara Gottfried, M.D.
“Same Hormones Smart Women” by D. Lindsey Berkson
“The Wisdom of Menopause” by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
“ A Savvy Woman’s Guide to Testosterone” by Elizabeth Vliet, M.D.
“Textbook of Bio-identical Hormones” by Edward Lichten, M.D.
“Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, and Frazzled” by Richard Shames, M.D.
"Hormone Deception" by D. Lindsey Berkson
HPA Axis Dysregulation (Adrenal Fatigue)
"The Safe Uses of Cortisol" by William Jeffries, MD
" Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, or Frazzled" by Richard Shames, MD.
"The 21st Century Stress Syndrome" by Dr. James Wilson
Immune System
“The Immune System Recovery Plan” by Susan Blum, M.D., M.P.H.
“The Inflammation Syndrome” by Jack Challen
“Stop Inflammation Now” by Richard Fleming, M.D.
Lifestyle Medicine
“The Original Prescription” by Thomas Guilliams, PhD.
Metabolic Disease (blood sugar, diabetes and metabolic syndrome)
“Combat Syndrome X, Y, and Z” by Stephen Holt, M.D.
“The Glycemic Index Diet” by Rick Gallop
Mind Body Connection
"The Biology of Belief" by Bruce Lipton, PhD
“Break the Mold” by Jill Crista
“How Not to Die” by Michael Greger, M.D.
“Better Bones, Better Body” by Susan Brown, PhD
PCOS- Polycystic Ovary Disease
“A Patient’s Guide to PCOS” by Walter Futterweit, M.D.
“A Savvy Woman’s Guide to PCOS” by Elizabeth Vliet, M.D.
“The Ultimate PCOS Handbook” by Colette Harris and Theresa Cheung
Sexuality (General)
"Super Marital Sex" by Paul Pearsall, PhD
Sexuality (women)
“Come as You Are” by Emily Nagoski, PhD
Sexuality (Men)
"Not Always in the Mood" by Sarah Hunter Murray, PhD
“Full Catastrophe Living” by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD
Thyroid Disease
“Stop the Thyroid Madness’ by Janie Bowthorpe, MED
“Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness” by Broda Barnes, M.D.
“Feeling Fat, Fuzzy, and Frazzled” by Richard Shames, M.D.
Wellness and Preventive Medicine
"Outlive" by Peter Attia, MD
"Forever Ageless” by Ron Rothenberg, M.D
“Bullet with Your Name on It” Avery Hurt
“Perfect Balance” by Robert Greene, M.D.
“Ultra-Prevention” by Mark Hyman, M.D.
Women’s Health
“The Period Repair Manual” by Lara Briden, ND